Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Engine!

     I just opened my latest eBay treasure: an old Mantua "Little Six" 0-6-0T kit, still in its box! All the little bits are still in their baggies, and the metal die cast is solid and clean. As if that's not good enough, I got it for almost the opening bid. Yay!

     For those unfamiliar (as I was until today) this little guy weighs a ton. The boiler is hollowed out to clear the worm gear, but the side tanks are solid metal. There's flash all over everything, which makes me drool with anticipation at the thought of all the filing I have to look forward to.

     There is one thing conspicuously absent: the instructions. I'm not too worried, as I'm a pretty smart cookie when it comes to things mechanical. I can pick out what most of the bits are without opening the bags. The valve gear looks a little imposing, so I may consult the council of Jedi masters for advice when that time comes. For now, I have plenty of prep work to do until then.

Click to enlarge!
     Although I've been absorbed in non-train related activities lately, my hands have not been entirely idle. I turned a little barrel and a couple more jugs for the spirit wagon. I even managed to carve a little bung for the brown jug on the far right. Turning the barrel was easy, but the test will come in the detailing. How much detail can I reasonably paint on? Hoops and staves? Recessed ends? We will see. I'm thinking it will be best used as a chair or in a pile, and get some nice castings to use center-stage. It just doesn't hold up next to the jugs.

     But getting back to new engines, I have more wonderful news on that front. Since it's a good story, I'm planning to tell it live on on our Saturday night call-in session. Looking forward to chatting with the gang, so I hope you all can make it =)

1 comment:

  1. That looks like fun. I have been looking for a kit of a locomotive or wagon to build - but have found nothing, at least nothing that appeals, in N scale. I may start building some stuff in O just for the heck of it. Please post pictures or even videos of the process as you go along.
